November 10, 2011

Returning for Year Three!

It's official.  Asa will attend second grade and Liam will go to kindergarten at AES.

We pretty much knew this would happen. Our families suspected it too. Two years (the length of our original contract) is not enough time - it still feels like we just got here! - and we cannot imagine embarking on a job hunt and packing our bags just yet. 

So, just ahead of the November 15th deadline, we have signed our contracts for a third year. While the kids' signatures were not required, they got caught up in the excitement (yes, that's magic marker all over Liam's face):


  1. Did you see the part about it actually being TEN years, not one, that you signed up for?

  2. Ha! Your law degree keeps you forever suspicious of the fine print and casting doubts for those of us who don't read it.
