August 3, 2010

Walk This Way

Yesterday, during the lull between work and dinner, we went on a family walk around campus. We took turns taking photos and of course, ended up at the pool.

Here, our apartment building in the background:

And making a 180 degree turn, the playground:

Liam's photo of Asa by the main gate:

And Asa's photo of the fountain he was facing:

Asa thinks he is Mr. Cool showing us all of his "shortcuts" and getting home first. Here he is leading us through the gate which separates school from faculty housing (though always unlocked), in a hurry to get his bathing suit on:

And finally, pool bound:

The money shot (water wings will surely be history in the coming weeks):


  1. Love these! Keep 'em coming! xo

  2. It's so great to see you all in India, starting out on your dream together. Family rocks! LOL from all of us in Maine,

  3. Thanks so much for taking the time to share your adventures so we can all live vicariously! You are experiencing a universal truth: As long as there is water, kids will be happy anywhere! So glad to see you are mapping out a path to making the campus home!

  4. How great to see you guys in action at your new digs! I've been thinking of you all so much! Keep the news coming!!! Missing you already!

  5. Am so excited to follow your blog (and a wee bit jealous of your adventures!!!) Keep up the great posts and photos...

  6. The boys have grown so much!
    Looks like you're having a good time guys :)
    keep the blogs coming, I want to hear all about your adventures.
    I'm so happy for you guys
