April 9, 2010

A Place in Herstory

There are clear, trajectory changing years in everyone's life. For me, they are: 1970 (being born should not be overlooked), 1985 (moved from small-town, MA to big-town, NJ), 1988 (high school to college at age 17), 1996 (meeting my future husband - and knowing it the first time we met, losing my mother to breast cancer a few months later), 2001 (deciding to leave jobs in Boston's power suburbs to buy our first home in Maine and figure out the employment situation afterward), 2005 (finally, finally, becoming parents after a couple of rough years), and 2006 (shocked to become mother of two).

No doubt about it, 2010 is next on this list. We will celebrate 10 years of marriage in June then move our family to a country we have never been to before. There, we will send our first-born to kindergarten, and hit the big 4-0 six months apart (ladies first).

My father has always said "don't worry over things you can't control". And while I appreciate the sentiment, it really only works sometimes. So, in the moments when I question this move, or our ability to get everything done in time for departure, I remind myself that this milestone in one that I/we can/might/did initiate. While I might not control many of the factors involved, we made the decision to get this in motion many months ago, and so it is with great energy, optimism, and excitement that this year's giant leap of faith is being taken.

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